Wood Therapy


Wood therapy is a painless, natural and non-invasive technique using wood instruments to help sculpt the body. It is an effortless way of counturing the body without harming the skin or tissue. Each wood instrument has a particular area of the body.

Wood therapy activates the lymphatic sytem allowing the process to move and drain accumulated fat cells, helping to reduce, fight and combat water retention and removes toxins from the body. This treatment also speeds up the metabolism, reduces sizes (“Muffin tops”, “Love handles”, ”Saddlebags” on thighs etc.), defines arms and legs, tones and tightens skin, Firms thighs and buttocks.

The aereas to treat can be:

  • Abdominal Reduction & Contouring
  • Arms
  • Flanks (muffin top)
  • Inner & Outter Thighs reductions
  • Glute’s

Wood Therapy helps physically and also mentally, reducing the stress level and calmming down the mind.

It is recommended to do a course of sesions in order to achieve your goals, let me know which is your main concern, and let´s work together.

Lymphatic drainage


Lymphatic drainage is an advanced treatment using special squeezing and pumping techniques to improve circulation, eliminate metabolic wastes and toxins, stimulate lymphatic system.

Recommended especially for women after liposuction, surgeries, with problem of oedema, swollen ankles, tired legs and water retention, and also with high stress level or digestive problems.

Circulatory massage


Circulatory Massage is a technique whose purpose is to activate the blood and lymphatic flow, promoting cell exchange. By mobilizing body fluids, it is achieved, on the one hand, that the nutrients reach the cells better, and on the other, that the circulating toxins reach the organs and ganglia responsible for eliminating them.

The technique consists of mobilizing body fluids, acting directly on blood and lymphatic vessels. As a result, there will be an increase in body temperature that will heat and transform the tissues, preventing circulatory damage.

If you experiment tired legs, this treatment is perfect for you.

You can combine it with another treatments.


20-30 Min

Pressotherapy body treatment to reduce or eliminate cellulite. It consists of applying pressure to the extremities of the body that helps the lymphatic and venous system. The treatment increases circulation and is indicated for people with venous insufficiency or who suffer from cellulite, varicose veins and fluid retention, among others. In addition, the treatment increases the blood supply to the skin, nourishing tissues and helping cell regeneration.

I always personalize the pressure therapy treatment so that you have the best results.

This treatment is also highly recommended for athletes, especially cyclists, as it helps to decongest and relax the legs after training sessions.

30 min aprox. 6-8 weeks

what is pressotherapy recommended for reduce leg fatigue

The benefits of pressotherapy are many but we can highlight combating the following problems:

cellulite treatment / alternative to liposuction / Contours the body / Redefines legs, abdomen and arms.

Say goodbye to tired legs! Immediate Effects

Pressotherapy is a treatment that is performed with a suit and boots that help to exert pressure to relax the desired area through sequences of air jets. In this way it is possible to improve circulation by reactivating the circulatory and lymphatic system.

It is usually applied to the legs, abdomen or waist.

In which cases is pressure therapy recommended?
I recommend Pressotherapy to relieve pain and reduce the feeling of tired legs caused mainly by fluid retention.
It is also a treatment that is complemented by others in cases of cellulite or localized fat removal.

Slimming Treatments

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